Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend
This first weekend home from CA has been a hazy, lazy weekend..hazy from East Coast humidity, lazy because I was and so glad to be back with my honey poking around the yard, looking at what's blooming in the garden (yum..berries are getting ripe), poppies are through blooming and we need rain for the dry grass and a good book to finish.
Best of all, remembering the sacrifices of our men and women over the years on behalf of their country; when you travel abroad another element of the blessings of this country is added.
We're looking forward to our annual week at the beach, this year ALL OF THE COUSINS will be there...yahoo!
While in CA I had one morning to walk on the beach; besides the great view and exercise there's always something to observe people, their pets, sea critters (sand crabs, sea gulls, pelicans, sand pipers.) This particular morning I watched as a black lab spotted an injured sea gull floating on the waves, unable to fly. The dog didn't actually go in for the final blow and kill it BUT he harassed it by continually barking at it, nipping close to it and overhwhelmingly intimidating the poor gull.
How like Satan's wiles on the Believer; he finds our vulnerability, and then works on us, snapping, chasing, intimidating, to cause fear and immobilize us.
Saw a great movie last night "Facing Giants"; done by a church in GA, with no paid actors; the GA Buldogs coach even has a bit part. It was challenging and amidst lots of high school football presented a great spiritual message/challenge.
Keep praying for energy for Sue for Thursday when they fly. Please pray too for Mark as he bikes 140 miles to the beach while we drive...and that our Ostby week at the beach will be the blessing it usually is.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Happy Mothers Day

Belated, Yes! but it's gotta' be this way because I've committed to writing weekly and, had I really done so, I'd have written the day after instead of 2 weeks later. Speaking of Mothers Day I got a great card from one of my kids ... began with "Mom, I know I wasn't always the easiest kid to raise" and on opening the card there sat a 3 year old boy in a highchair with a glass of beer in one hand and a half smoked cigar in the other. I have another son who occasionally calls and wishes me a Happy Mothers Day on his birthday...sound thinking!

My Mothers Days are always great because I can reflect on the goodness of God to me through my kids. I'm here in CA with our kids now helping Dana and Sue get ready to come spend a month on the East Coast.

Sue's health hasn't changed a great deal, lots of challenges with energy, speech, mobility but still much joy in the Lord for all five. Some days are tougher than others, yesterday was one.

Pray for her energy level for the month of June especially as they travel. Also pray for an appt with a Lymes doc, Dr. Harris, who is tops in his field; Sue's current Lymes doc wants her to see him for a one time consultation and I'm having a hard time getting through for an appt. It's one of those places where you never get to talk to a real person. I'm willing to continue being persistent (you know that) but it would free more time for me if they'd just respond!

You moms (and dads) will relate here, one of the toughest things I face is seeing my kids suffer; yet as I was reading in 1st Samuel last week, Hannah made her petetion at the temple for a child and when she left she dried her tears and her face was no longer sad. A good reminder, I can weep with my kids but then if I truly leave them to the Lord, my countenance needs to reflect it.

Meanwhile, I was reminded of a song that a dear missionary, Hubert Mitchell, used to sing at our church:

"He giveth more grace when the burden grows greater,
To every affliction, He addeth His mercy
To multiplied trials, He multiplies peace."

That's one among many prayers I pray for these guys here; as our world is today, they are incredibly busy and I know you can all relate to that.

Thanks for hanging out with me for awhile; my flights were smooth coming and I return Saturday to get ready for our week at the beach.
