Sunday, December 3, 2006

My Walk

'I want you to be able always to recognize the highest and the best as you walk through life' Paul said many years ago in Philippians...I've paraphrased a bit..and I've looked at that over my long weekend realizing that sometimes it's easy to miss the highest and best because of where our focus is or where the world tells us it should be

So Friday night before heading out of NC I got to enjoy a delicious Indian Curry with Mark, Tam etc and then a sweet prayer time with my honey before he put me on a plane to Atlanta. Enroute from Dallas to Atlanta I was in the 10% of passengers who weren't Arkansaw Razorback fans enroute to the 'big game' at the GA dome. It was so much fun listening to the chants and cheers everytime a passenger got on with their logo...the great comraderie between fans who had never met before..and when our wheels touched down on the tarmac hearing them all do the whole 'hog calling cheer'.

Later, sitting in the beautiful Atrium in the Atlanta Hartsfield Airport I was thrilled as USO members escorted over 100 servicemen to their departing planes for Iraq while those of us waiting for our next destination stood and clapped for the entire 5+ minutes it took them to walk through. And speaking of walks, theirs will be far different than any of ours these next few weeks that we consider hectic but they will be considering much more.

My walk took me here to Marietta with my kids and grandkids welcoming and blessing me as we decorated the tree, watched a football game and today look forward to the play Jordan and Logan will be in.

And tomorrow it's off to CA to spend some good time with Dana, Sue and the kids. I'm sure there'll be more Chirstmas things to enjoy together and so my walk this last weekend has been blessed by getting to be with our six kids and eight grandkids.

Then last night at dinner Jordan led us through the family night for the 1st day of Advent (even though it was the 2nd) and one of the sharing questions was for each person to share when they had felt especially joyful during the past week and I remembered walking through last week and catching up with some 'close buds' a 4 yr old's birthday lunch..over lasagna in our 'almost Christmas decorated' home...over coffee on another friend's front porch.

While there is much more to Paul's admonition, I realize that some of the highest and best things that happen in my life. Jesus always took time for people; I've always been able to be counted on to take time for a project but reflecting on these walksabove shows me the higher and best is His way.

Have a great day!



Anonymous said...

Keep Writting. Great Joy expresses in your words.

Your Sweetie

Oz said...

Now if only you can get your cell phone working.